PAX Eva Fix System
PAX EvaFix SpineboardIf the job has to be done quickly...With this system patients can be fastened to the spine-board and evacuated from the danger zone within seconds.
PAX EvaFix Spineboard
- Product is conform with the applicable EU regulations
- Product is a medical device and compliant with EU Regulation 2017/745 - MDR
PAX EvaFix SpineboardIf the job has to be done quickly...With this system patients can be fastened to the spine-board and evacuated from the danger zone within seconds. The PAX EvaFix is mounted to the spineboard prior to operation. The use of signal colours and different handles enables well trained staff to work even in zero visability.
PAX Plan is easy to clean. We have to admit, this doesn't sound like having a lot of fun-but for some of you a special hygiene of the PAX bags is very important. Therefore we were looking for a material featuring a possibly plane surface.