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PAX RTS Cocoon – tactical


The PAX RTS Cocoon - tactical is designed for efficient care and transport of traumatised patients in time-critical situations. The innovative MEDEVAC rescue and transport system offers both comprehensive protection and better chances of recovery as well as the possibility of evacuating the injured person quickly and effectively from the danger zone.

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PAX RTS Cocoon – tactical


  • Product is conform with the applicable EU regulations
  • Product is a medical device and compliant with EU Regulation 2017/745 - MDR

In stock  |  Delivery time: 3-4

Description chevron-down chevron-up

PAX RTS Cocoon – tactical – bietet Schutz und bessere Heilungschancen

  • MEDEVAC rescue and transport system with integrated full-body wound dressing
  • Protection against hypothermia by reflecting body heat
  • Completely lined on the inside with aluderm® wound dressing and highly active absorbent layer
  • Has 10 handles for gentle evacuation
  • Space-saving transport thanks to vacuuming

The PAX RTS Cocoon - tactical is designed for efficient care and transport of traumatised patients in time-critical situations. The innovative MEDEVAC rescue and transport system offers both comprehensive protection and better chances of recovery as well as the possibility of evacuating the injured person quickly and effectively from the danger zone.

Optimum patient care and protection from the point of interest to the trauma centre

Thanks to the aluderm® inner layer, the Cocoon not only ensures excellent heat retention by reflecting body heat, but also supports the healing process in the case of wounds or burns. A highly active absorbent pad, which can absorb up to 6.5 litres of fluid without returning it to the patient, minimises the risk of skin irritation and infection. The PAX RTS Cocoon - tactical can therefore also be used to transport people rescued from the water immediately.
The detachable hood increases protection against heat loss.
The PAX RTS Cocoon - tactical ensures optimised patient care and protection from the point of interest (POI) to the trauma centre in accordance with the NATO MEDEVAC care level concept.

Access to the patient from all sides

With access points on each side, each equipped with four zip sliders, the Cocoon allows injuries to be viewed or treated and vital signs to be taken at any time without placing additional strain on the patient. The Cocoon can also be opened completely to ensure fast and effective treatment of the patient in the healthcare centre. No repositioning necessary - the patient remains in the PAX RTS Cocoon - tactical, which protects and warms them from the POI until final treatment in the trauma centre.

The PAX RTS Cocoon - tactical has four handholds on each of the long sides, as well as a handle at the head and foot end. This allows the injured person to be transported away quickly and gently. As a medical device, the rescue and transport system has been tested in accordance with requirements of the applicable standard EN 1865-1.

The compact, vacuum-packed packaging ensures easy transport and efficient storage.

The PAX RTS Cocoon - tactical is therefore the ideal solution for use in extreme situations where fast, effective and patient-orientated care is of the utmost importance.

Technical data: 
- Load capacity: 250 kg 
- Absorption: 6.5 litres 
- Dimensions opened (WxL): 200 x 80 cm 
- Packed dimensions (WxL): 54 x 40 x 12 cm 
- Weight: approx. 3.64 kg

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80 cm
200 cm
PAX RTS Cocoon – tactical
3.64 kgs
Features chevron-down chevron-up


  • Product is conform with the applicable EU regulationsProduct is conform with the applicable EU regulations
Delivery time days 3-4
Colours black
Material PAX-Light
width 200 cm
Height 80 cm
Product is a medical device and compliant with EU Regulation 2017/745 - MDR Yes


80 cm
200 cm
PAX RTS Cocoon – tactical
3.64 kgs
MDR chevron-down chevron-up


  • Product is a medical device and compliant with EU Regulation 2017/745 - MDRProduct is a medical device and compliant with EU Regulation 2017/745 - MDR



80 cm
200 cm
PAX RTS Cocoon – tactical
3.64 kgs
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