27. December 2023 - News
Air Rescue Forum 2025
26.03.2025 in Dortmund (GER)

The event is dedicated to the central topics of air rescue and current developments in emergency medicine. How is the rescue service organised in view of the amendment of the Rescue Service Act in North Rhine-Westphalia? What advantages do the two 24-hour helicopters in NRW offer, including Christoph Dortmund? How can new preclinical procedures help to optimise emergency care at the scene?
Look forward to exciting specialist lectures and an intensive exchange that brings together experts from emergency medicine, ambulance services, fire brigades and control centres. The forum offers a valuable platform for jointly shaping the future of emergency rescue and care.
We look forward to presenting our suitable products to you and to the mutual exchange.
Further information: events.drf-luftrettung.de/termine/forum-luftrettung-2025/