
+49 (0)4407 714760

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Mo. - Fr. 08:00 - 16:30


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    +49 (0)4407 714760

    We are there for you
    Mo. - Fr. 08:00 - 16:30

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    X-CEN-TEK GmbH & Co. KG
    Westerburger Weg 30
    26203 Wardenburg

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Professional emergency equipment - It's all about performance

The PAX Best Buddy is more than just a rucksack - it's your faithful companion for all your everyday adventures. Whether in the office, at school or in your free time, this clever and functionally equipped backpack offers you everything you need to be comfortable and organised on the go.

PAX Best Buddy will shown with different detail picturesPAX Best Buddy will shown with different detail pictures

PAX Carrying Sheet light

270 Gramm, 190cm x 105cm (LxB)

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